Resolutions for 2014

I'm sorry that I haven't been able to be on my blog as much. I finally finished my first semester of college. I finished all my fall semester finals and I've been taking a break from school and everything since its holiday season. I hope everyone is having a healthy and happy holiday\ new year and everyone is enjoying their family and loved ones during this time. Every year, I always set some resolutions for myself even though I know I'll fall off the next day. I heard that when you write something down, you're most likely to follow it.  Here are my resolutions that I hope to follow this year.

Resolution #1- Drink more water 

Water is so so so so good for your body, not only that for your skin, hair etc. your body is made with 70% water so it's good to keep hydrated during the day. I always go for a soda or juice but I wanna try and be healthier this year. Not only is it good for you but it has it's benefits. 

Resolution #2- take more fashion risks

This year I wanna try and take more risks with how I dress and beauty products I use. It's good to be your own individual and not follow what everyone else is doing. People will talk about you more and maybe you'll start a new trend. 

Resolution #3- Use a face toner

I've recently researched what a toner is and what it does. A toner is a face profit that is used on your skin after you've washed your face to remove any excess dirt and oil that's left after you've already used a face cleanser. I feel like no one really talks about toners even though they have some benefits so I'm going to start using one. I recently purchased one from clean and clear so I'm going to start using it and maybe do a review on it. 

Resolution #4- Take better care of my hair 

I have really long thick black girl hair and I'm really blessed to have long hair and I wanna try and keep it maintained so it can always look nice. I've been thinking about going natural as well because I don't see the point of putting extra chemicals on my hair. I've recently purchased my own leave-in and deep conditioner for my hair which I just started using so ill so reviews for them as well. 

Resolution #5- Be a better person 

I think this should be on everyone's resolution list. It's always good to help out and give back to people and your community. I'm so grateful that I've had many blessings given to me in my 18 years I would help someone feel that way. Whether it's a soup kitchen, cleaning up public places or volunteering at a school with kids, it's always good to give back and it give you a great feeling knowing that you took the time out of your day to help someone out. 


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