4 Things I Learned In 2017
To be completely honest, I believe 2017 was one of the greatest years of my life so far. If anyone knows me personally, they know I went through a lot of obsticles that prevented me from where I wanted to be. I feel like this is the year I got to make all my own decisions and did whatever the hell I wanted to do, unapologetically. These are some of the lessons I've learned in 2017 & I hope it helps someone going through tough times.
1. Take Time For Yourself
One of the biggest lessons I've learned in 2017 was to take some 'me' time. I feel like all I do is work work work and never play. What's the point of working if you don't do anything with the money you're working for? Take a bath after a long work day. Shave. Exfoliate. Do a deep condition. Read a book. Set some goals. Drink a glass of wine. Blast some music. Being alone is never a bad thing. Constantly being surrounded by people can be. I feel like I've had some of the best ideas for myself when I've been alone. Make sure to have some time to decompress and unwind.
2. Be Yourself
Don't let anyone make you feel less than what you are. There's a reason for I believe there is a reason and purpose for everyone. You are valid, in every way. Those who don't understand have a problem, and it is not yours it's theirs. Stop looking at other people or their lives and compare them to yours. Love always starts within yourself.
3. Get Rid Of Dead Situations & Follow Your Intuition
We don't have time to deal with situations that aren't going anywhere and take them into the new year. If you see red flags or a sign telling you something isn't right- it isn't right, sis. I've been in too many situations where I knew something (or someone) wasn't right for us and we kept dealing with the situation cause we were lonely or we settled for less because we thought an opportunity wasn't going to happen again. To be honest, it's a waste of time and we need to take on things or deal with people that's going to help, benefit and uplift us individually. There's no point of dead weight, cut it off.
4. Be Patient
What's for you, will always be for you. I constantly think of things that 'should've & could've' happened but I believe it only makes you feel bad about yourself and put you in a slump. Everything happens for a reason so enjoy & trust the process.
xo, Ash
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