How To | My Sleek Bun

I always get so many questions on how I get all my thick, crazy hair into a sleek looking bun. Some people actually think my hair isn straight when it isn't just laid down. Sometimes my hair to big and there are times I just want a protective style where my hair isn't heat manipulated, but still laid and sleeked down. Here's how I get my sleek bun on natural hair. 

Step #1- Shampoo or CoWash/Condition hair/ Deep Condition 

First make sure your hair is cleansed or co wash. I don't shampoo my hair every week, on the weeks I'm not shampooing, I cowshed using the As I Am Coconut CoWash, $8, and finger detangled my hair in the shower. After I cowshed, I deep conditioned as usual. 

Step #2- Moisturize Hair

It's always important to moisturize your hair, but especially for this style since you won't be styling your hair for a few days so It's important to make sure your hair is well coated in a leave-in conditioner to prevent dryness & breakage.

I separated my hair into 4 sections so I can make sure every strand of my hair is moisturized and conditioned. I only used a leave-in conditioner and oil to moisturize my hair, a styler was not needed since I only put my hair in a bun. I used the Eden Bodyworks Natural Leave-In Conditioner, $9,  from the coconut shea line which is one of my favorite leave-ins to use. I'll be doing a post on my favorite leave-in conditioners very soon! To seal in the moisture from the leave-in, I used sweet almond oil, you can get it anywhere from Amazon to your local beauty supply store. It's really lightweight, smells so good & leaves my hair feeling moisturized and soft. 

After I was done moisturizing a section, these were my curls after.

Step #3- Style 

After your hair is coated in leave-in conditioner, oiled & moisturized, the next step is the bun. I made my sock bun out of an oil pair of socks after I washed them, but I know you can get a sock bun at H&M for cheap as well. 

Using a soft brush, I brush the top of my hair into a ponytail, you can make a low bun like I have or high bun, whatever you want the style to be. After it's brushed down I put a scrunchie on it. I take my sock bun and slip it on the top of my ponytail, cover the hair throughout the bun and secure it with another scrunchie so it doesn't unravel out. After my bun is made, I go over my hair and edges with my soft brush with the almond oil one more time to make sure it's slicked down. I don't use an edge control, I've never found the use for it and my edges slick down on their own. If you need it, use edge control or style your hair as needed. 

I put my scarf and bonnet on at night to protect my style and these were my results after my hair has dried. 

Hope this helped someone style their bun. It's a very simple style to do. I like to switch it up and do a protective style, especially in the winter cold. What are your favorite protective styles to do? Let me know!

xo, Ash


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